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A great idea is not nearly enough

Funny Feelings Apps

If you have a great idea for an ad, you're 80% there.

If you have a great idea for an app, you are probably 0.5% of the way there.

It's technical, expensive, and time-consuming to develop an app.

And if you don't have a marketing budget, no-one will ever know it exists.

We've made two apps for Funny Feelings®

emotionary - a dictionary of emotions for iPhone

EQ Game - a educational iPad game to develop emotional literacy

And we've learnt quite a bit along the way.

With close to 20,000 downloads, most of which have occured in the US, Funny Feelings apps are reaching out across the globe.

A great idea is not nearly enough

If you have a great idea for an ad, you're 80% there.

If you have a great idea for an app, you are probably 0.5% of the way there.

It's technical, expensive, and time-consuming to develop an app.

And if you don't have a marketing budget, no-one will ever know it exists.

We've made two apps for Funny Feelings®

emotionary - a dictionary of emotions for iPhone

EQ Game - a educational iPad game to develop emotional literacy

And we've learnt quite a bit along the way.

With close to 20,000 downloads, most of which have occured in the US, Funny Feelings apps are reaching out across the globe.